Monday, November 24, 2008

SocComm2009 - Jeff 3.0?

Can you say SocComm 3 times fast? I can barely say it once, but that's the name of Jeff Pulver's latest event. The full name will give you more of a clue as what it's about - the Social Communications Summit, and Jeff posted about this again on Friday. It's being held in his backyard of NYC, and takes place from February 10-11.

Am not quite sure what social communications means, but anyone following Jeff's blog will know that's more or less where his energies are focused these days. With the Pulvermedia VON era officially over, you know it's not going to be about VoIP. In those days my world very much overlapped with Jeff's, but not so much now.

Still, we all have at least some focus on social communications today, whether that means voice, IM, presence, video, mashups, digital collaboration, etc. All forms of communication are social, and from there you can span out in a variety of directions to become an innovator, and eventually - hopefully - a real business.

So, if this is your passion, then you need to pay heed to Jeff's post, as he's reminding his readers that the Call for Speakers deadline is December 5. And for those of us who blog, Jeff is simply asking for support to get the word out.

Now you know, and for reference, there's a website running for the event. Is this the Jeff 3.0 we've all been wondering about? The venue hasn't been announced, but it sounds like this will be his first event in a public venue since the last VON, so we'll just have to wait and see. I'll certainly be following with interest.

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