Friday, February 20, 2009

Lee's Interview with Voxeo's Jonathan Taylor

Wanted to pass on the latest content addition to the eComm blog. Lee has just posted his interview with Jonathan Taylor, the CEO of Voxeo. They talk a lot about the origins of the company, and there are some good insights there about where Jonathan sees voice going. I've been a fan of Voxeo for some time, and they really are on the forefront of Voice 2.0, and the whole space of integrating voice into Web-based applications.

I'm also drawing attention to this because Jonathan will be on a panel that I've put together for eComm 2009 about Voice 2.0. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I'll have a separate post about that on Monday. Until then, Jonathan's interview with Lee is a good read, and you can pick it up here on the eComm blog.

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