Monday, February 23, 2009

My Voice 2.0 Panel at eComm 2009

Well, eComm 2009 is just over a week away, and as an Advisory Board member, we're doing what we can to get the word out and encourage new faces to come.

My most visible role at the conference will be moderating a session that Lee has asked me to put together. It's titled Voice 2.0 - New Ways to Monetize Voice, and I hope this gives you another reason to attend.

For those of you who will be there, the session runs on the Wednesday, from 2:00 to 2:45.

The title is pretty self-descriptive, and my objective is to share with the audience examples of what is out there today for carriers to use and make money with Voice 2.0. We can talk all day about what Voice 2.0 means, but you know it when you see it, and you'll see some great proof points during this session.

I've got 3 companies doing cool things with voice today, and alongside them, one of the most innovative operators I know - Telio, and one of the industry's more provocative contributors - Eric Burger.

Briefly, I'll be joined on the panel by:

- Trevor Healy, CEO, JAJAH
- Larry Lisser, VP, Mobivox
- Jonathan Taylor, CEO, Voxeo
- Alan Duric, CTO/co-founder, Telio
- Eric Burger, Chairman, SIP Forum

A more detailed outline of the session is posted now on the eComm website, and soon to follow will be photos and bios of the speakers. Hope to see you there!


  1. You forgot to add few other big VoIP service providers i.e. Truphone,Vopium and Nimbuzz I have also tried these and they are also good.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Jessica. Glad you mentioned these companies - and there are many others we could talk about as well. I wouldn't call these particular companies service providers - they're really software vendors - and they're not really big - but they are important for sure. Truphone was on a panel I moderated at eComm last year, and I have to mix things up a bit with new faces this time around. Hope you're coming!

  3. Thanks Jon for your reply on my comment, i using Vopium application and like their new feature of Mobile Backup, could you get me more details about it ??
