Wednesday, August 5, 2009

July Media Roundup

July turned out to be one of my busiest media months ever, and it sure made up for a light June. I'll start with the most newsworthy, which is my new venture with TMC to launch the Smart Grid Summit, coming September 1 at the IT Expo.

- First, the press release, announcing the formation of Intelligent Communications Partners, as well as our Smart Grid Summit venture with TMC

- Supporting this was a post on Rich Tehrani's blog

Otherwise, I had a nice variety of citings in the press, as well as a TV interview and two podcasts...

- Nortel/Ericsson deal - TV interview on BNN (interview can be viewed from the link on this page)

- Avaya's bid for Nortel - roundtable podcast on

- SIP Trunking roundtable - podcast for Business Trends Quarterly, along with Ingate, Avaya, AudioCodes and Panasonic

- SIP Trunking roundtable - published transcript, June/July issue of Business Trends Quarterly

- Using Twitter for business - Backbone Magazine

- Fonolo's latest updates - Tech Media Reports

- Status of Nortel/Microsoft Alliance - IT World Canada

- Avaya/Nortel deal scenario - InformationExec

- Google Voice/Skype impact - Business Week

- Avaya's Aura - InformationExec

- Cisco telepresence in the home? - TelecomTV One

- IT Expo Preview - interview with Rich Tehrani - TMCnet

In addition to the media coverage, I had a white paper published along with a webinar on SIP Trunking with Mitel (registration required for both)...

- SIP Trunking webinar replay

- companion White Paper for the webinar

Finally, my regular bi-monthly Service Provider Views column on TMCnet...

- BroadSoft, Microsoft and Chinook Hosting - Getting Hosted Right

- Google Wave Offers New Challenges for Service Providers

All in a day's work - now back to my current projects, and getting the Smart Grid Summit put together...

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