Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nice Blog Recognition - Top 15 VoIP Blogs of 2009

Tippit Inc. has become one of the better-known sources of IP communications news and insights, and I've done a few things with them from time to time. One of their portals is called, and yesterday I became aware of their list of Top 15 VoIP Blogs.

I commented earlier today that this list came out on August 5, but that's not correct. While I only found out about it then, it was published back in May - mea culpa!

Anyhow, I didn't see it before a few people pinged me to say congrats, and I'm very happy to be in such good company again. All the familiar names are there - Jeff Pulver, Andy Abramson, Rich Tehrani, Alec Saunders, Brough Turner, Irwin Lazar, etc., so no big surprises, really. Was nice to see my name in the #1 spot, but I wouldn't read too much into that (it's not in alpha order) - unless you'd like to!

I mentioned that it's nice to be back, as they last published a list like this in late 2007, and my blog was there as well. I've made a few other top blog lists along the way, but it's always nice to repeat from the same source. I'll take that as a sign people continue to follow me, and for that I thank each and every one of you. My job is to continue the dialog, and once again, thanks to for the recognition.

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