Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New White Paper - M5 Networks and Hosted VoIP for Enterprises

Another White Paper I recently completed was just announced - this time from M5 Networks. Regular readers here will know that I've followed M5 for a long time, and recently attended their 10th anniversary bash in NYC.

They've been doing hosted VoIP pretty much from the beginning, and have matured to the point where the time - and their offerings - are now right for enterprises. I explored this further in the White Paper, which focuses on why enterprises should consider the benefits of hosted services. This may not be the right choice for all enterprises, but I did enough research to know that services like M5 make a lot of sense for the right situations.

M5 has just posted availability of the paper to their website, and you can download a copy by following the link and filling out the basic registration form. I think there's a great market opportunity here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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