Tuesday, August 17, 2010

VoIP Security - Hot Topic - New White Paper

Finally digging out enough to get back to blogging. Lots to catch up on, and I'll start here. I recently completed a White Paper on VoIP security for a startup venture, InCharge Systems. It's a very interesting company, and they've taken a long, hard look at the range of issues around VoIP and SIP-based telephony - security, identity, authentication, toll fraud, etc.

We all know about the potential for these to become big problems, and it's a bit like the BP Gulf oil mess. If it's out of sight, it's out of mind - but when the system fails, the problem is huge and quickly spins out of control with no easy fix. InCharge Systems may be early to market with their solution, but having done the research, I can tell you it's on people's minds.

The White Paper was announced last week, and I'm doing my part here to be sure you know about it. You can access the paper from their website after filling out a short registration form, and I'm sure they'd love to hear from you. I'd also be happy to answer questions on a limited basis, so feel free to reach out.

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