Friday, October 8, 2010

Next Stop - San Antonio and Interactive Intelligence

Got a lot on the go right now, and am only home from the Smart Grid Summit a couple of days, then back out again on Sunday. Next week I'll be attending Interactive Intelligence's Global Partner Conference deep in the heart of Texas. Am really looking forward to this, not just because I've never been to San Antonio (a true blues mecca - that's all I need to know), but because I so enjoyed attending their conference last year.

Am also excited because they're doing the Battle of the Bands again. This was a lot of fun, and I was part of a pickup group that performed. We didn't win, but the buzz told us we were a hit, so we're back again. The lineup will be a bit different, but I'll be practicing this weekend, and getting tips from my way-too-good-for-his-age son #2, Dean. If you like shred and metal, check out his YouTube channel. Too bad I can't bring him along as a ringer - we'd win for sure!

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