Friday, October 8, 2010

Smart Grid Summit - More Photos

Pushing content out today as fast I can. Here is my second set of photos from the summit. Lots of Twitter activity today around my recap article on the portal, and the feedback both online and offline has been great so far - nice to see that! Got some nice video clips in the can, and will post those on Monday - stay tuned.

Sven Thesen, Better Place

Christoph Inauen, NSN

Lee Krevat, San Diego Gas & Electric

Steve Oldham, USTelecom

Dr. Mo Shakouri, Alvarion

Wireless broadband in the home panel - Jim Hunter - 4Home, Lew Brown - Z-Wave, Gabe Nave - SprintNextel

VC/startup panel - Chris King - eMeter, Gene Wang - People Power, Dylan Steeg - Intel Capital, Curtis Mo - DLA Piper, Dr. Pedram Mokrian - Mayfield Fund, Sam Smith - EV World (speaking about a hydro kinetic power startup)

Jerry Melcher, EnerNex and Tim Boucher, Southern California Edison

Dr. Emir Macari, Cal State University

Jason Rodriguez, Zpryme research - presenting with me on our renewable energy market study findings

Prof. Raj Gadh, UCLA WINMEC

Crystal Ball session - Jay Cappy - Verizon Business, Jamie Clark - OASIS, Raj Gadh - UCLA WINMEC, Eric Murray - Tantalus, Katherine Hamilton - GridWise Alliance

And now...for something completely different.

Why on earth is there a photo of a Philly cream cheese container here?

Well, look closely - on the left - the green leaf - it says "made with Renewable Energy". Really! I sure did a double take when I was prepping my bagel just before we started Day 3. I thought that would be a perfect prop to kick off our Crystal Ball panel. When you start seeing messaging like this on mainstream products, you KNOW there's perceived value to this concept. I think I'm going to call Kraft and see if they'd like to sponsor our next summit! :-)

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