Thursday, April 7, 2011

M5 - Another Acquisition - Callfinity

M5 Networks just announced the acquistion of Callfinity this morning, and it looks like another small step forward in the much-expected consolidation of the hosted communications space.

This is actually a contact center play, and is very much in line with the trends I've recently started following via my column for Exony. I definitely think M5 has the right idea here, as hosted/managed contact center capabilities are starting to make a lot of sense as these technologies mature, as well as prove themselves on a large scale.

Callfinity is a different type of pickup for M5 than their previous deal, when they acquired Geckotech late last year. That was a similar business, and it simply allowed M5 to expand its customer base along with gaining a physical footprint in a new urban market - Chicago.

I've been following M5 for many years, and having turned 10 last year, they sure have come a long way. That's not to say that every hosted player needs to be around 10 years before they can start doing this, but M5 has earned their keep, and I have no doubt that their thinking around Callfinity is pretty sound, and is part of a well-planned growth path that will help re-define this space as it comes of age.

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