Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Connectivity Week - Next Week - My Smart Meter Session

Those who follow me know that I continue to stay active in the smart grid space, and one way is by participating at Connectivity Week, which takes place next week in Santa Clara. It's a solid event, and I've been doing a few things to help spread the word.

I'll be there the full time, and will be most visible as the moderator for a session titled "AMI Consumer Backlash – Perceptions and Realities". It's a topic I'm quite keen on, and for anyone either currently using a smart meter in their home, or have been approached by their utility about it, you can't help but feel strongly one way or another.

It's pretty hard to be on the fence with smart meters, and it's one of the most contentious topics in smart grid. The topic will be pretty prominent during Connectivity Week, and I'm happy to be presiding over this panel, which should be a nice exclamation point at the end of the conference.

If this helps change your mind about coming to the conference, great! If you're attending, I just want to get this session on your radar, and hope you can join us. We have a great roster, and joining me will be Mark Toney of TURN, Ward Camp of Landis + Gyr, Larry Owens of Silicon Valley Power, and John Cooper of Ecomergence.

For more detail on our panel and the speakers, here's the synopsis. You'll be hard pressed to get a more complete perspective on the state of unrest from this group, and just for good measure, I'll add my take from a writeup I did on TMC's Smart Grid Portal a few months back.

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