Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dimension Data - Brand Refresh

When you're busy, you're busy. During the Dimension Data event 2 weeks ago in Boston, part of the buzz was around their rebranding. I've commented about the event itself, but the branding refresh was under embargo until Tuesday of this week. Given my travels the past few days, this is my first chance to post about it.

To catch you up, the details are nicely spelled out in their press release from Tuesday.

During their event, we could see the new branding everywhere, but we just couldn't talk about it externally. I did, however take some photos, and here's one that shows the before and after.

As you can see, the color scheme is brighter and greener - a nice nod to global warming, etc. - which of course, is a big deal in the energy-intensive data center space. Also, the lettering has shifted to lower case, and everything is more rounded, even the around the points of the triangle in their logo. I'm not a design expert, but this does come off as a friendlier look, and reinforces their mantra about being customer-centric. Works for me.

If you haven't gotten your fill of DiData yet, I have one more thing to share with you. I just wrote up my views on where Unified Communications fits into their roadmap, and that was just published this afternoon on the UCStrategies portal.

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