Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Canadian Blog Directory - Great New Resource

I know I'm getting older and the world is getting younger, but blogs still have value. Hopefully you feel that way - otherwise you wouldn't be reading this, right?

I've been blogging since 2005, and ever since Twitter came along, behaviors shifted towards shorter, more in-the-moment modes. Twitter is fantastic for that, but that's not how analysts are wired. We still feel the need to describe and explain, and you can't do that very well in under 140 characters. So, I continue to blog and share my ongoing thoughts and research in this space, and am grateful for those of you who continue to follow me.

I like to Tweet just like everybody else, but primarily as a conduit to my writing elsewhere, or to posts about current developments. You'll never see me tweeting that I just left Starbucks or that it's stopped raining, but it has its place for random fun - nothin' wrong with that.

That brings me to something new - the Canadian Blog Directory. Not only is it a resource to showcase bloggers, but Canadian ones at that. I had always assumed something like this existed, but I guess not. It launched a few weeks ago, and I just came across it yesterday - how's this for a segue? - via a tweet from Mark Evans. I've known Mark a long time, and he's done lots of great things in the Canadian tech space, with this directory being his latest venture.

So, hats off to Mark for putting this together, and I'm happy to say that my blog has now been added to their roster. I should explain this isn't just for tech bloggers - there are many other categories, much like you'd find in a newspaper (presuming you still read them - I sure do!) - business, politics, sports, travel, health, etc. So, if you want to read the best in Canadian blogging - for tech or otherwise, you've come to the right place. Check it out, and if you think Mark is missing any great blogs, just let him know, eh!

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