Friday, June 24, 2011

Social Media and Contact Centers - Lots to Explore

Social media and contact centers - these are two spaces keeping me busy lately, and it's even better when I can talk about them together. That's the focus of my latest column on Exony's website, and it's just gone live this afternoon.

As my research around this unfolded, more themes kept popping up, and now I've got way more to analyze than initially expected. I was thinking about doing 1 or 2 posts, but I now have 4 or 5 in the works, so this posting is really just an opener to put some issues out there for consideration.

Of course, contact centers aren't alone - everyone is making it up as they go, trying to figure out whether social media is a game-changer or a bad idea/colossal time waster. I'm still on the fence, but that will change over the course of my next few posts.

Being a work in progress, everyone has an opinion about social media, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what it means to you on the contact center front.

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