Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy in a good way

Blogging has been off and on lately, but that's because I'm busy, with some new projects and writing gigs.

If you saw my ShoreTel/M5 analysis a couple of weeks back, that helps explain my busy-ness. I've never had a post get this much readership, and if I could somehow sustain those numbers here, I'd have a pretty lucrative blog!

Following that, last week's post about the opportunity I'm seeing now in cloud-based video conferencing has also kept me busy, and you'll be hearing more about that space here in due time.

Starting next week, you'll start to see some new content here around collaboration that I'm doing now as part of a broader thought leadership program for a major vendor.

I'm also about to start a monthly column with a publisher you all know. For now, all I can say is that it's titled Rethinking Communications - my first piece has been written and it will run in their May issue. Stay tuned.

Otherwise, I have some new custom projects on the go, and as the deliverables become public, you'll hear about them here.

Also, I'm pushing into a new focus area - helping companies monetize their patents and intellectual property (the other IP). It's a natural fit for the circles I travel in, and if this is on your to-do list, I'd be happy to tell you more.

Back to work...

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