Friday, March 9, 2012

Enterprise Connect Preview/Big Data

On this week's UCStrategies podcast, the topic was what to expect at Enterprise Connect, coming later this month in Orlando. I won't be attending, but many of my UCS colleagues will be presenting there, so the podcast was a good opportunity to share all this in one place.

It's a major event in the UC space, and all the Tier 1 players will be there. UC is one of several themes they'll be covering, and you'll get a good sense of the landscape from listening to the podcast. While I had nothing to add about the sessions, I was able to contribute some broader thoughts towards the end of the podcast.

Basically, I brought Big Data into the discussion, as I'm seeing this as an emerging need for enterprises get a handle on. I think it's a huge opportunity, especially for UC, which can add a lot of value if used in the right way for Big Data. We're generating far more information than anyone knows what to do with, and the real-time nature of UC puts it right in the middle of where the most vibrant communication is happening in the enterprise. My sense is there will be some discussion of Big Data at Enterprise Connect, but I'll bet it will be right up there with cloud and mobility next year. You heard it here first!

The podcast has been posted now, and was hosted by Marty Parker - here you go, enjoy.

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